The Risk of Overwarning By Kenneth Ross Kenneth Ross is of counsel to Bowman and Brooke LLP. He is the editor-in-chief of the third edition of the DRI Product Liability Compendium: Warnings, Instructions and Recalls (2019). He has written extensively…
Month: October 2019

Federal Data Protection Legislation Stalled by Litigation Issues: A Uniquely American Conundrum
If you have any online commerce with America at all, then you probably know that the US has until recently had only the thinnest patchwork of state and federal laws governing personal data protection. There are a few federal regulation’s…

The Most Common Reasons for US Employees to Sue Their Employers
How does one prepare a European SME expanding to America for 3 tiers of employment law … federal, state and local … in such a way as to make the instruction useful and accessible? One place to start is explaining…